James (Steve) Clay, MABC, LPC
The reality is that we are going to live forever. How much of our lives would be shaped by and lived differently if we lived with an eternal perspective. In this song by the Afters, we are reminded of the truth of eternity. Listen and worship. Set you mind on things above (Colossians 3:2).
“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” CS Lewis

James (Steve) Clay, MABC, LPC
Tim Challies has written an excellent blog, Burning and Yearning, about the issue of our sexual desires. Given that this issue tends to be an area of major struggle for many people, both for the married and not, you are strongly encouraged to read it for your personal growth.

James (Steve) Clay, MABC, LPC
Joshua chapter 7 is a narrative of Israel’s attempt to take down the city of Ai, after having destroyed the city of Jericho. As those who are seeking to walk closer with the Lord in this New Year, several things in this passage are worth our attention.
The Lord had graciously and miraculously given the city of Jericho into Israel’s hands (Joshua 6). He spared the life of a prostitute named Rahab, who had provided shelter of hiding for the spies Joshua sent to spy out the city. Rahab later shows up in the lineage of Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father. The Lord also, through the city’s destruction, provided for the people of Israel a reputation among the inhabitants of the land as people to be feared. Additionally, He provided for His treasury gold and silver, vessels of bronze and iron—these were to be holy to the Lord. Everything else was to be devoted to destruction.
Read more: A New Year's Challenge: Seeking Satisfaction in the Lord

James (Steve) Clay, MABC, LPC
The struggles of teenagers are intense and growing. Parents of teenagers are facing challenges that are unprecedented. John Piper gives a historial perspective on teenagers and gives wisdom in how they can live disentangled and free from a world that seeks to consume and enslave them.

James (Steve) Clay, MABC, LPC
Ok. I have to admit it. I love Dirty Harry movies. Just watched a couple of them this past weekend. And yes, they are full of depravity. Anyway, I do like to watch Inspector Callahan (Clint Eastwood) make the bad guys pay . . . carrying a bad 44 Magnum and shooting through windshields of cars to get bad guys. In one of the episodes, Harry uses a witty statement several times to a bad Lieutenant cop that that made me laugh but also grabbed my attention for a blog. In the closing scene, when the bad cop has driven away, thinking he was the victor, only to have a bomb detonate in his car, Dirty Harry said it again with narrowed eyes, a taut brow, and breathy voice, “A man’s got to know his limitations.” I loved it!

James (Steve) Clay, MABC, LPC
One of the greatest blessings a counselor can receive is when a client "gets it"--that is, the truths of God's word are penetrating the heart and bringing about transformation. It is in these moments that it is clear that the Spirit is working on the heart, bringing about a new awareness of personal sin and of God's grace, translating into a more intense war for faith against the destruction of sin and for a fuller delight in God. Below is a blog that a counselee was encouraged to write, arising from her own journaling about the struggles of her own heart. These words are indicative of the sweet glories of Christ taking root in her soul. Though she has a future ahead that likely involves a degree of suffering previously unplanned, she is learning that she is deeply loved by her Savior. Enjoy and be encouraged by her simple, yet profound, words. Pray for her as she continues to struggle.
Read more: Pulling Roots--A Client's Growing Understanding of Sin and Grace